Houses on Millwater

Millwater is an established development in Auckland that began back in the early 2000’s. The development of more than 300 hectares of land at Silverdale North and Arran Hill near Orewa, has seen in the order of 3000 new homes built supported by approximately 50 hectares of business and commercial activities, all levels of schooling, an extensive open space network and multiple community recreational facilities.

Tractor working on a field

Woods Involvement 

Woods provides Engineering, Survey, Planning and Urban Design services for the project. 

Since 2006, Woods has been intimately involved in master planning the development and establishing the planning framework for Silverdale North with local and regional authorities. The philosophy behind the Millwater development was to create an exceptional community in which people can live, work, play and learn. The test of time has shown this development to be very popular with local residents and also people outside the community who regularly visit the area to make use of the facilities. 

Significant effort has gone into retaining and protecting the unique sensitive ecological areas and heritage values of the area. We provided catchment wide stormwater analysis and ecologically sensitive stormwater solutions in an sensitive receiving environment. Woods has been instrumental in the planning and design of each stage of subdivision, earthworks and infrastructure, including roading, motorway interchange, bridges, stormwater, wastewater and water services. 

Woods designed, performed, and completed the construction of 120m long bridge across Orewa River and a 60m long bridge across a Orewa Tributary all while maintaining the environmental area. 

This was the first major development in Auckland using low pressure sewer. Our team also coordinated with Auckland Transport and NZTA in designing and constructing Wainui Interchange (access onto the Auckland Northern Motorway), signalised intersections, roundabouts, collector and local roads for the development.

Houses on Millwater


The biggest challenge surrounding this project came down to the sheer scale of it. Managing all of the lots, the amount of resources, and just the long timeline of the development proved to be the most demanding part of the project. 

However, spending such a large amount of time on this development, our team has been able to establish strong and trusting relationships with the local iwi and council which has helped build a network of support for the development throughout the area. 

This project also required the collabortive effort of engineering, survey, planning and design. With Woods being home to all of these disciplines, we were able to work closely together as a team, working across all the different facets of a land development project. 

Woods performance

The Millwater development is in the final few years of development, with construction currently happening in the northern Arran Hills area. 


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Milldale (Wainui East)